OBJECT OF ELEVATOR UP: Be the first to get rid of all the cards in your hand. NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2-5 players MATERIALS: Special Deck TYPE OF GAME: Race to the finish line AUDIENCE: 7+ ABOUT THE GAME CREATOR Hello! My name is Harrison, and I’m 17 years old. I am the creator of ElevatorUp: the new card game that keeps the whole family smiling through Ups, Downs, and getting Stuck! To learn more about Harrison’s back story click here. HOW TO SETUP ELEVATORUP 1. Place THREE CARDS FACE DOWN in front of each player. No one is allowed to look at these cards. 2. Put TWO CARDS FACE UP in front of each player. 3. Then, give each player THREE CARDS AS THEIR HAND. Only that player can look at those cards. 4. Place the remainder of the deck in the center of the table and use the space next to it as the discard pile. 5. Each player can swap out one, two, or none of their face up cards with their face down cards. (Tip: put your best cards as your face up car...