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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2021


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  OBJECTIVE OF DOS:  The first player to earn 200 points or more wins the game. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 – 4 players NUMBER OF CARDS:  108 cards   TYPE OF GAME:  Hand shedding AUDIENCE:  Kids, Adults INTRODUCTION OF DOS DOS is a hand shedding card game published by Mattel in 2017.  It is considered a more challenging follow up to UNO.  Players are still trying to be the first to empty their hand, but rather than playing a single card to one discard pile, players are making matches to multiple cards in the center of the playing space.  Players can make matches with one or two cards; matching by number is required.  Color match bonuses are also possible and allow the player to shed more cards from their hand.  As the number of cards in the center increases, more possible matches become available. MATERIALS The DOS deck is made up of 108 cards: 24 Blue, 24 Green, 24 Red, 24 Yellow, and 12 Wild DOS cards. WILD # CARD The Wild # card c...


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  OBJECTIVE OF ISRAELI WHIST:  Have the highest score at the end of the game NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  4 players NUMBER OF CARDS:  52 cards RANK OF CARDS:  (low) 2 – Ace (high) RANK OF SUITS:  Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades, No Trump TYPE OF GAME:  Trick taking AUDIENCE:  Adults INTRODUCTION OF ISRAELI WHIST Simply known as Whist in Israel, this variation of the classic game has some interesting additions.  Two rounds of bidding occurs in which players strive to name the trump suit and claim how many tricks they are going to take.  Scoring similarly to Oh Heck and Spades, players must meet their trick-bid exactly or else they will lose points from their score. THE CARDS & THE DEAL Israeli Whist is played with a 52 card deck.  2’s are low, and Aces are high.  For bidding purposes, the suits rank from low to high in alphabetical order: Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades.  A No Trump bid is the highest.   Shuffle and de...


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  OBJECTIVE OF OPEN WHIST:  Be the first team to earn 7 points. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  4 players NUMBER OF CARDS:  52 cards RANK OF CARDS:  (low) 2 – Ace, trump suited 2 – Ace (high) TYPE OF GAME:  Trick taking AUDIENCE:  Adults INTRODUCTION OF OPEN WHIST Open Whist is a Whist variation created by Sid Sackson. Published in GAMES Magazine in March of 1985, Open Whist was originally designed for 2 or 3 players.  However, Sid realized that it plays well with 4 players in partnerships.  The rules for the 4 player game are included here.  For more information regarding the 2 and 3 player rules, see  the original article .  In Open Whist, each player’s cards are placed face up in columns for everyone at the table to see.  Only the topmost card of each column is eligible for play.  This allows players to see what cards will become available and strategize appropriately. THE CARDS & THE DEAL Open Whist is played in partnersh...


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  OBJECTIVE OF RICOCHET:  Destroy all four walls of cards NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  1 player NUMBER OF CARDS:  52 cards RANK OF CARDS:  Ace – King, (Ace) TYPE OF GAME:  Solitaire AUDIENCE:  Adults INTRODUCTION OF RICOCHET Ricochet is a solitaire card game created by Bram Tebbutt in 2020.  Inspired by Tri-Peaks solitaire and the classic video game Breakout, players are trying to destroy walls of cards by creating an ascending and descending sequence on the waste pile.    THE CARDS & THE DEAL  Ricochet uses a 52 card deck.  The layout is composed of four  walls  and a  room .  Shuffle and deal out the four  walls  of cards in three layers.  In the first layer, each  wall  contains two cards face down.  The second layer has three cards overlapping the first two.  The final layer of cards are dealt face up.  Each  wall’s  top layer has four cards, and the corn...


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  OBJECT OF INCOHEARENT:  The object of Incohearent is to be the first player to reach thirteen points. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 or more players  MATERIALS:  500 Playing Cards, 1 Sand Timer, and Instructions TYPE OF GAME:  Party Card Game AUDIENCE:  17+ OVERVIEW OF INCOHEARENT Incohearent is a hilarious party game that will have all the players laughing halfway through round one. The Judge will turn a card, showing an Incohearent phrase. Players will then read the card aloud and try and decipher what the phrase actually is. Will you be able to hear it before anyone else? Get thirteen of them right and win the game! Expansion packs are available to accommodate more players or add more family friendly gameplay. SETUP To setup the game simply shuffle all of the cards and separate them into three piles, depending on color. These will create the three categories, Party, Pop culture, and Kinky. Designate a player to be the first Judge. The game is ready to begi...


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  OBJECT OF HAPPY LITTLE DINOSAURS:  The object of Happy Little Dinosaurs is to be the first player to earn fifty points or be the last dinosaur standing. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 to 4 players  MATERIALS:  53 Point Cards, 16 Instant Cards, 28 Disaster Cards, 4 Dinosaur Playing Boards, 4 Dinosaur Meeples, and 1 Rule Book TYPE OF GAME:  Strategic Card Game AUDIENCE:  8+ OVERVIEW OF HAPPY LITTLE DINOSAURS Are you going to be able to keep your Dinosaur alive through everything this game will throw at them? Disasters of all forms are sure to come your way, but if you are strategic, you may be able to use them to your advantage to win! Be the last Dinosaur standing or the first payer to reach fifty points to win the game! SETUP Each player should begin by choosing a Dinosaur player board and a Dinosaur meeple to represent them throughout the game. Each player will place their board directly in front of them on the table.  Next, separate the cards by the co...